Raise a toast to the new year at our Potts Point oasis with a glamorous dinner party. Find out more >

WorldPride Absolut Cocktail Special

The Butler Celebrated Sydney WorldPride With An Absolut Cocktail Special.

During Sydney WorldPride 2023, our bartenders poured a WorldPirde-inspired Absolut cocktail special, with $1 of every cocktail sold going to The Bobby Goldsmith Foundation, Australia’s longest-running HIV charity.

Gaby Souza represented The Butler in the Applejack Hospitality WorldPride Dragtails Competition hosted at here in Juanita’s Bar. With 6 competitors, each bartender presented their Absolut cocktail, showcasing their inner Drag Queen.


Inspired by RuPaul Drag Queen Miss Peppermint, Gaby created the perfect ‘Instagrammable’ cocktail. Light, colourful and refreshing it was a well deserved third place winner!

Miss Peppermint

Absolute Vodka, Crème de Menthe, sugar cane syrup & Pampelle.

Available from February 17th – 5th March.


Check out how we are celebrating WorldPride 2023 at The Butler and Applejack.

Lead with love.